Wednesday, September 19, 2007

What to do now...........

First of all, I called the husband of the woman my husband was having an affair with. The woman denied the affair and said that I was a crazy, unstable alcoholic. So I put my husband on the phone and he confirmed that yes indeed he did have an affair with this man's "wife". When the man asked how this happened, my husband said to me, "Do you want to tell him?" I said I didn't know why and my husband said "I think you do". I said, "I'm an alcoholic but I've been sober for several months." I actually told some guy that my husband had an affair with his wife because I'm an alcoholic. My husband and I have hashed this out, and he now says that he regrets saying it, but at the time, he really did think he had an affair because I'm an alcoholic.

We've had many many hours of conversations since then. He realizes now that his affair was a diversion, so that he wouldn't have to deal with problems in our relationship and anger and resentment he has towards me because of my drinking.

If I hadn't found out, the affair would have continued. He was thinking of leaving me and my kids for this woman. Now he's realizing that a lot of the things he saw as problems with me and our marriage are actually his problems and indicative of his inability to deal with these things.

Yesterday I started to kick him out, threw his stuff out etc. etc.. I picked my son up from school, but I couldn't go through it. I couldn't break this family up in that way. My kids have been on edge since all this stuff happened, it just didn't feel right. Not in this way.

So now my husband is here. And we are married and playing the role of mother and father. We're good at that. The kids are the glue that is holding this marriage together at this point. If it were not for the kids, I would not want to be with my husband anymore, I wouldn't want him in my life at all. He was actually thinking of leaving me and the kids to start a life with someone new, because that just seemed so much easier and carefree than sticking around here. I am outraged that my kids were so dispensable to him. I am outraged at his narcissism.

But I think that by kicking him out, I would be as self-absorbed as I feel he was. I'm not saying that we will be able to work this out, but I need to go through this in a rational way that is the least damaging for my kids.

Right now, in addition to the pain and anger I feel about my husband's affair, I am really angry about my husband's reaction to my reaction to his affair. After four weeks, he can't believe that I still need to talk about this and that I'm still going on about it.

But I'm still sober, I'm trying to work through all this. Using my program, but I have to go now, my son is crying and needs me. More later.



Shadow said...

oh dear... (i'm saying that a lot today...).

you know, i have had the thought that should hubby decide to leave me now, even though i've stopped drinking, i wouldn't blame him. too much resentment of the past, all the upheaval i've caused, the changes i've forced on him and our lifestyle etc. etc. but that is just BULLSHIT! acting the victim. you've got your head right, lemme tell you!!!

lotsa strength to you girl!

Scott M. Frey said...

well, that all is just a sad deal. I can tell you that there is nothing you can improve by taking the first drink, I am sure you know this, but it's my job as a friend in recovery to remind you :-) I feel badly that all of this happened andI pray that you all can get it ironed out peaceably over time, a day at a time. keep comin back

God Bless, big sober hugs...

Recovery Road London said...

What Scott said - having a drink won't make things better, it may make them a thousand times worse. But you know that, eh? And well done for not drinking.

I don't let anyone use my alcoholism as an excuse for anything...I'm sure you won't allow your husband to use your illness as an excuse for poor behaviour.

Tough times. Keep at it. You're rememberd over this side of the Atlantic.



molly said...

gosh - i am so sorry you are going through all this.. I can't even begin to imagine.

Namenlosen Trinker said...

Hang in there, my friend. Stay close to the program and don't make a move without talking it over with your sponsor.

Pammie said...

This is ALL I know: Sometimes when life is in a huge trumoil around me, and I go to bed STILL sober...I just say WHEW! I made it thru this day sober. If that kind of miracle can happen...then anything is possible.
I'm sorry there is pain in your life darlin' :(

A friend of Bill W. said...

Thank you for helping me with this post, Clarity....

All my love to you...

Your ES&H has been GOD's voice to me today:
