Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Hello and thanks to everyone who bothers to still check my blog. I've been on a roller coaster, one day ready to divorce my husband, the next thinking we can work it out. If I can work the steps through this post-affair time, I know that I will come out whole on the other side, no matter what.

Last Friday I had my first really really strong craving for alcohol in a LOOONG time. Well it seems like a long time, thought I've only been in the program for about 7 months!! LOL

Anyway, I made some calls on my way to a meeting and then I was okay. But the craving didn't go completely away and I think I figured out what is going on... The seasons are changing! Voila! I'm such an alky! This time last year was the beginning of the end, and it's my first fall in sobriety. And all these damn Pottery Barn catalogs. Prefall, fall, Thanksgiving, Christmas it seems like there is a wine bottle on every other page. My sponsor says that only alkies would notice something like that.

Oh well, by the Grace of my Higher Power I am still sober and I am so very very grateful for that.


Shadow said...

heee heeee heeee. last year all i could see was how much alcohol is required in christmas recipes...

good luck sweetie.

molly said...

lord geesh - yep - I notice those ads too :) good to see ya back online