Thursday, May 10, 2007

My hands are still shaking from what I just saw. I was coming out of my Dr's office and I saw a guy stumble/fall off of a bus. From the momentum, he continued stumbling into a hedge. Then he bounced back toward the bus. He was like a rag doll, he didn't put his hands down to stop his fall(s). He fell down and I didn't see him anymore. I started to run over to where he was and the bus was about to pull away. A woman on the bus jumped out of the back door of the bus and made the driver stop.

The man's body was on the sidewalk and his head was in the street under the bus. A river of blood was running down the hill from his head. He was drunk, it was 9:00am. The woman ran into the Dr's office and they called 911 and a bunch of doctors ran out. I rubbed his back and told him everything was going to be okay and I'd stay there until the ambulance came. I said a prayer for him and the woman from the bus told me she's NEVER on this bus. I told her she was an angel today, she stopped the bus from running over this guy's head. She said, "Yes, it's the Lord's work that I was here today".

There but for the grace of God go I.


lushgurl said...

Oh my God ! I am so glad that you and the other woman were there to help this guy. It is a very scary reminder of where we could have been...
BIG HUGS to you Clarity

dAAve said...

Several miracles, not the least of which is that you didn't have to get drunk too.

Meg Moran said...

be gentle with yourself tonight, this was a traumatic reminder. I'm glad you were there to offer comfort, now take care of yourself the same way.

missmg said...

You are an angel. God reminds in strong ways the reality of this disease.

Pammie said...

I would say that there was 2 angels there. Bless your heart.

justme said...

ll having a hard time emailing you, email me at