Wednesday, May 23, 2007


I have a class at night now. Mon. Tues and Thurs. It's throwing off my meeting and workout schedule and I'm crochety about it. So I got a big fat candy bar, ate almost all of it and when I peeled away the final bits of wrapper, there was a frickin' larvae type worm thing crawling around. Not the consolation I was looking for. Serves me right for pigging out on chocolate, I learned my lesson. Won't be doing THAT again!

I want this to end. I want to be done being an alcoholic. Pam is right, sometimes sobriety is exhausting. But I want to be sober more than I want to drink so I'm good. Went to a meeting tonight, 3 guys just coming back. It was good to be there. It's a miracle any of us get and stay sober.

I'm going to hold on tight to my program. Gotta go do my homework. Sigh.


Shadow said...

it does get annoying, doesn't it. this being an alcoholic bit... one must remember it, work on it, concentrate on it, and at the same time carry on with life and doing new things etc. etc. and fit it all in..... time time time

dAAve said...

I don't find sobriety exhausting.
Staying drunk 24/7 for decades was beginning to get to me, though.